Welcome Wizard
Leemons provides a welcome wizard installation for a super-admin user with a step by step guide.
Feature not available
This function is not yet available, review the bulk template installation option.
Language and super-admin credentials
First of all, here is a simple setup page with a language selector and user/pass fields
Step by step reference
1. Organization
Please complete the basic information about your organization for administrative purposes. If you have more than one school there will be an opportunity to indicate this later.
2. Mail providers
Configure your providers and email accounts for the management of platform notifications, you can setup as many accounts as you want and later assign them to your different centers.
3. Languages
Please choose the languages you wish to display on the platform. Currently the user interface supports English and Spanish, but any other language can be chosen. If you want to help us translate the UI into more languages, please visit our Github.
4. Centers
It is possible to configure the type of information wanted to be included in each center. There is some basic system fields, But it ss possible to add as many fields as needed.
5. Profiles
Use the user profiles to manage permissions for applications. Each time a new Leemon (plugin) is installed, we will ask that permissions for each existing profile be defined.
There are four default profiles included in the platform, if custom profiles are required, it is possible to use one of them as template and add extra permissions or create a new one from scratch.
6. Admin users
Now there is the possibility to create some standard admins with permissions to collaborate in the Learning Experience setup process.
7. Finish
Now it is possible to login in to the platform with your standard admin credentials in order to create programs, signup users (teachers or students), create curriculums, etc…
It is always possible to login with your super-admin credentials in order to modify the system configuration, but some changes could crash the platform. Please, if you have any doubts, review our FAQ