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Create curriculums

How to create new curriculums for Leemons

In the curriculum library, it is possible to view the curricula created so far for the different programs of the organization.


New curriculum

Basic information

Here is the structure of the curricular content (later it can be completed with the specific content of each section).

Basic Information

Curricular structure

Here is the structure of the curriculum content (this can be completed later with the specific content of each section); it is possible that not all branches of the programs have curriculum content. Select here the Portfolio levels to be used to manage the curriculum content.

Curricular Structure

Add content Blocks (revisar)

Now it is possible to add additional branches to the tree and by clicking on the edit icon, add new types of blocks (curricular contents, evaluation criteria, learning standards, objectives...) In the next step these blocks can be filled in for each subject or level of the selected tree.

Content Blocks

Curriculum Tree

Now, content can be added to each block typology. Remember that the contents of the block marked with a star can be linked to evaluated or graded activities and travel to the final grading system.

Curriculum Tree