Dataset plugin
Datasets give you all the tools to easily extend your plugin schemas and forms.
A location is a reference to the place in the plugin frontend where a dataset will be placed.
Add location
Add a new location for a dataset and give it a name
and description
so that the admin can know that it is located in the frontend.
const name = {
es: 'Datos adicionales del salón de clase',
en: 'Additional classroom data',
const description = {
es: 'El profesor debe indicar datos de personalización del salón.',
en: 'The teacher must provide custom data for the classroom.',
const locationName = 'register-classroom-data';
const pluginName = 'plugins.classrooms';
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.addLocation({
* @return { name, description, locationName, pluginName }
* */
Update location
Update location name and description
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.updateLocation({
* @return { name, description, locationName, pluginName }
* */
Delete location
Deletes everything related to the location except the stored data.
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.deleteLocation(locationName, pluginName);
* @return boolean
* */
Location exists
Check if the location exists
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.existLocation(locationName, pluginName);
* @return boolean
* */
Retrieve location
If the location exists, the location is returned with its name and description.
If you specify the language to be returned, the name and description will arrive already translated into the requested language if exists.
If the language is not specified it will return the name and description as objects with all available languages.
const locale = 'en';
await leemons
.services.dataset.getLocation(locationName, pluginName, { locale });
* @return {
* name: 'Additional classroom data',
* description: 'The teacher must provide custom data for the classroom.',
* locationName: 'register-classroom-data',
* pluginName: 'plugins.classrooms'
* }
* */
The schemas are composed of two configuration objects:
- jsonSchema: where you define which fields the form will have and what conditions each field must fulfil to be valid.
- jsonUI: how it has to be shown in the frontend (appearance).
See some examples in react-jsonschema-form
Adding a schema
To add a schema you must first understand that the schema must support multiple languages, so you must have separate schemas
and texts
that can be translated into different objects, as the schema must always be the same regardless of the language, but the texts vary according to the language.
Let's add a basic schema/ui
For a better understanding, let's assume we want to add these schema
and ui
in multiple languages.
Show wrong schemas (English hardcoded)
const jsonSchema = {
title: 'A registration form',
description: 'A simple form example.',
type: 'object',
required: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
title: 'First name',
default: 'Chuck',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Last name',
age: {
type: 'number',
telephone: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Telephone',
minLength: 10,
const jsonUI = {
firstName: {
'ui:autofocus': true,
'ui:emptyValue': '',
'ui:autocomplete': 'family-name',
lastName: {
'ui:emptyValue': '',
'ui:autocomplete': 'given-name',
age: {
'ui:widget': 'updown',
'ui:title': 'Age of person',
'ui:description': '(earthian year)',
telephone: {
'ui:options': {
inputType: 'tel',
Note that if we do so, we will no longer be able to display data entry forms in multiple languages.
What we need to do is to create the schemas
using translation "keys", and then add the translations in the languages we need.
Show good schemas (Translation keys)
const jsonSchema = {
title: '{{it.title}}',
description: '{{it.description}}',
type: 'object',
required: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
title: '{{}}',
default: '{{}}',
lastName: { type: 'string', title: '{{}}' },
age: { type: 'number' },
telephone: {
type: 'string',
title: '{{}}',
minLength: 10,
const jsonUI = {
firstName: {
'ui:autofocus': true,
'ui:emptyValue': '',
'ui:autocomplete': 'family-name',
lastName: { 'ui:emptyValue': '', 'ui:autocomplete': 'given-name' },
age: {
'ui:widget': 'updown',
'ui:title': '{{it.age.ui_title}}',
'ui:description': '{{it.age.ui_description}}',
telephone: { 'ui:options': { inputType: 'tel' } },
Finally, add the schemas
and translations
to the location.
const locationName = 'register-classroom-data';
const pluginName = 'plugins.classrooms';
// Add the Schemas
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.addSchema({
// Add the translations
const schemaTranslation = {
title: 'A registration form',
description: 'A simple form example.',
properties: {
firstName: { title: 'First name', default: 'Chuck' },
lastName: { title: 'Last name' },
telephone: { title: 'Telephone' },
const uiTranslation = {
age: { ui_title: 'Age of person', ui_description: '(earthian year)' },
password: { ui_help: 'Hint: Make it strong!' },
const locale = 'en';
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.addSchemaLocale({
We use squirrelly.js to compile the schema with translations. Check out its documentation for more information.
Update schema
Same as .addSchema
. Throw an error if no schema is found.
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.updateSchema({
* @return {jsonSchema, jsonUI, locationName, pluginName}
* */
Delete schema
Delete all schemas and translations for a given location.
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.deleteSchema(locationName, pluginName);
* @return boolean
* */
Schema exists
Check if the schema exists for a given location.
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.existSchema(locationName, pluginName);
* @return boolean
* */
Retrieve schema
Returns the schema if it exists
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.getSchema(locationName, pluginName);
* @return {jsonSchema, jsonUI, locationName, pluginName}
* */
Retrieve schema compiled to a language
If the schema and the translation exist, compile the schema and return it.
const locale = 'en';
await leemons
.services.dataset.getSchemaWithLocale(locationName, pluginName, locale);
* @return {
* jsonSchema,
* jsonUI,
* locationName,
* pluginName,
* schemaData,
* uiData,
* compileJsonSchema,
* compileJsonUI
* }
* */
Add schema translation
Add schema data for a particular language
const locale = 'en';
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.addSchemaLocale({
* @return {locationName, pluginName, schemaData, uiData, locale}
* */
Update schema translation
Same as .addSchemaLocale
. Throw an error if no translation is found.
const locale = 'en';
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.updateSchemaLocale({
* @return {locationName, pluginName, schemaData, uiData, locale}
* */
Delete schema translation
Delete a translation for a schema
const locale = 'en';
await leemons
.services.dataset.deleteSchemaLocale({ locationName, pluginName, locale });
* @return boolean
* */
Schema translation exists
Check if the schema translation exists.
const locale = 'en';
await leemons
.services.dataset.existSchemaLocale(locationName, pluginName, locale);
* @return boolean
* */
Retrieve schema translations
Return translations of the schema if it exists in the requested language.
const locale = 'en';
await leemons
.services.dataset.getSchemaLocale(locationName, pluginName, locale);
* @return {locationName, pluginName, schemaData, uiData, locale}
* */
Transform final schema into schema and translation
This function must receive a schema from react-jsonschema-form and returns two objects; one of the objects needs to be compiled with squirrelly.js and the other object is to store texts as translations.
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.transformJsonSchema(jsonSchema);
* @return {
values, // Values to be stored as translation
json, // Schema in [squirrelly.js] format
* */
Transform final schema ui into ui and translation
This function must receive a ui schema from react-jsonschema-form and returns two objects; one of the ui needs to be compiled with squirrelly.js and the other is to store texts as translations.
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.transformUiSchema(jsonSchema);
* @return {
values, // Values to be stored as translation
json, // Schema in [squirrelly.js] format
* */
Add values
Stores the values of a dataset form, validating them to schema conditions.
Optionally these values can be linked to whatever you want.
For example, we are going to store extra data for a user and we want to link that data to that user to retrieve it later. For that, we use the optional target
parameter where we specify (in this case) the user id.
const target = 'user-id';
const formData = {
firstName: 'Chuck',
lastName: 'Norris',
telephone: '1234567890',
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.addValues(
{ target } // Optional
* @return formData
* */
Update values
Same as .addValues
. Throw an error if no values are found.
const target = 'user-id';
const formData = {
firstName: 'Chuck',
lastName: 'Norris',
telephone: '0000',
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.updateValues(
{ target } // Optional
* @return formData
* */
Delete values
Deletes all values if they match the criteria.
const target = 'user-id';
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.deleteValues(
{ target } // Optional
* @return boolean
* */
Values exist
Check if values exist.
const target = 'user-id';
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.existValues(
{ target } // Optional
* @return boolean
* */
Retrieve values
When retrieving stored values you can decide whether to retrieve only some of the keys or all of them.
const keys = ['name', 'surname'];
await leemons.getPlugin('dataset').services.dataset.getValues(locationName, pluginName, {
target, // Optional
keys, // Optional
* @return {name: 'string', surname: 'string'}
* */