Leemons package
Leemons is the main package of the application, from which the rest of the necessary packages and libraries are initialized, the server is raised and the Frontend is compiled.
To make it easier to use leemons, we have included a CLI (Command Line Interface), which consists of two commands.
$ leemons start
Starts the app.
When you start the app in production mode, you can use leemons with full functionality, but the app will not detect the changes until the process is restarted.
In production mode, dependencies are also installed and the Frontend is compiled (if not already compiled).
$ leemons dev
Starts the app in development mode.
When you start the app in development mode, it starts the app in parts, in first instance it starts a process that will listen to the main changes in the app, this process in turn, starts another one that will have the application itself.
Master Process:
- Listens for changes in the core packages.
- Listens for changes in the app configuration
- When there are changes it restarts the dependent processes (workers).
Worker process:
- Initializes the application configuration
- Listens for changes in the Frontend and starts the Front service.
- Listens for changes in the Backend and starts the Back service.
In this way, the waiting time between the changes and the app update is maximally optimized.
The application consists of three parts: configuration, Frontend and Backend, each of them is started by the Leemons
In the instantiation of the class, a Koa.js server and two Koa-Router are created (one for the app in general and one for Backend). Next, it is necessary to load the configuration using the leemons.loadAppConfig
method, which will be used in both Front and Back loading.
Once the app configuration is loaded, it is necessary to load the configuration of the different plugins, for this, you have the method leemons.loadPluginsConfig
, and then you can start loading the Back and Front.
Now that all the configuration is loaded, you can load both the Back and the Front, it doesn't matter which service you load first, you can even load them at the same time: leemons.loadBack
and leemons.loadFront
Now everything is loaded and you can start the app with the leemons.start
method (but not before indicating that everything is loaded leemons.loaded = true
If you don't want to worry about how the app starts inside, you can opt for the leemons.load
method which will do all these steps for you, or just leemons.start
which will detect that the app hasn't loaded yet and load it before starting it.
The app configuration is performed with the leemons.loadAppConfig
method, which loads all JavaScript and JSON files in the configuration folder.
The configuration folder can be changed using the CONFIG_DIR
environment variable, by default it will be /config/
You can find the configuration in leemons.config
, following the configuration folder structure:
-> leemons.config.database
-> leemons.config.config
-> leemons.config.config
The configuration object is a ConfigProvider, which has the following auxiliary methods:
get: (key, defaultValue) => lodash.get(config, key, defaultValue),
has: (key) => lodash.has(config, key),
set: (key, value) => lodash.set(config, key, value)
Backend Service
The Backend service is in charge of managing the server, the application and the database. The first thing that happens is the loading of the models, once all models are loaded, we proceed to initialize the database manager (stored in leemons.db
), then, the schema specified in the database is created and finally the ORM model used in the installed connector is initialized.
The entry point to the Backend is the API, which is accessible through the https://{url}/api/{endpoint}
endpoint. Thus exposing the different controllers and services.
Frontend Service
The Frontend service is in charge in first instance of collecting all the necessary files to load the web, it also installs the necessary dependencies and compiles the final version.
Models are the basic unit of a database schema. They are JSON objects interpreted in a simpler structure:
- All fields are populated with a default model:
Show the default model
const defaultModel = {
modelName: name,
connection: leemons.config.get('database.defaultConnection'),
collectionName: name,
info: {
description: '',
options: {
useTimestamps: false,
attributes: {},
primaryKey: {
name: 'id',
type: 'int',
type: 'collection',
target: 'global',
- The names are standardized to avoid name repetition.
See standardization guide
Every model is stored in leemons
on a property based on the model's origin
e.g., you have a plugin called user-administration. then, your models are stored under:
and your model names and collection names will be transformed to: plugins_user-administration::OriginalName
- The data is structured
See structure
const model = {
schema: { // used in schema and model creation (connector)
allAttributes: { // used in the queryBuilders
// All the attributes that are not many to many relations
More information can be found in a final model as a result of a connector.
Leemons works through plugins, these are a code extension, allowing to add more functionality to the Frontend or Backend. Creating a plugin is super simple, you only need to follow a structure and do the rest as usual.
Plugins can be installed in two ways:
- With NPM. They must be NPM packages whose name is
. - Create a folder inside the plugin directory with the plugin name.
A plugin, depending on the services it extends, must contain some folders or others. The functionalities that a plugin can add are controllers, services, models and Frontend.
All plugin codes are executed in a secure environment and do not have access to the application's process.env
, but to the one specified in the plugin's .env
This file is executed by Leemons in search of a JSON
The controllers are a set of functions in charge of answering a request to the API, these functions have an endpoint (API path) and a method (GET, POST, DELETE...) associated to them.
The controllers must be defined in the controllers folder, specified in the plugin configuration (default is /plugin/controllers/
), inside, a routes.js
or routes.json
file specifying the different endpoints, next to this, each of the controller.js
How to define an endpoint?
Inside the routes
file you must declare an array according to the route, method and controller.
Additionally you can specify if you need to be authenticated and if you want that only users with certain permissions can access:
"path": "/user", // Receives requests at `POST /user`
"method": "POST",
"handler": "users.register" // Resolves the request with the "register" function from `controllers/users.js`
"path": "/user/:id", // Receives requests at `GET /user/:id`
"method": "GET",
"handler": "users.userInfo" // Resolves the request with the "userInfo" function from `controllers.users.js`
"path": "/user/:id", // Receives requests at `GET /user/:id`
"method": "DELETE",
"authenticated": true, // Only logged in users with an authorization token will be able to access.
"permissions": ["delete-users"], // Only users with the "delete-users" permission will be able to access
"handler": "users.delete" // Resolves the request with the "userInfo" function from `controllers.users.js`
The specified path will not be the actual endpoint, but will resolve to the following: /api/{PLUGIN_NAME}/{SPECIFIED_PATH}
What should the controller function be like?.
The controller function, should be the same as you would use in KOA.js, it will receive a Context with all the information of the request.
Currently a plugin can't add middlewares, but we are working on it 👩💻
Services are a set of functions just like controllers, but intended for general use, for example, a helper function that sends an email or a helper function that calculates the final grade.
The services must be a JavaScript file described in the services folder (by default /services/
) and is stored in leemons.plugins.{PLUGIN_NAME}.services.{FILE_NAME}
. The content of this file is loaded in a safe environment (but is not executed if you don't do it, being able to export any kind of data).
A plugin may need to use the database, for that, it can create models
, these are JSONs or JavaScripts in the models folder (by default /models/
The specified models can be accessed via leemons.plugins.{PLUGIN_NAME}.models.{MODEL_NAME}
or via leemons.query({MODEL_NAME})
Extending the Frontend is the simplest process, as it works as a small-scale React app in the Front folder (default /frontend/
Must document the <Public>
and <Private>
for the frontend routes.
The rest of the files are created inside the src
folder and you can import them using import {} from '@{PLUGIN_PLUGIN_NAME}/{PATH_D FROM_SRC}'
Providers work like a plugin but with more limitations, their goal is to extend a plugin by giving it more functionality.
Providers can be installed in two ways:
- With NPM. They must be NPM packages named as
. - Create a folder inside the plugins directory with the name of the plugin.
Unlike plugins a provider can only add services and models as functionalities.
All the code of the providers is executed in a safe environment and does not have access to the process.env of the application, but to the one specified in the .env of the provider.
This file is executed by Leemons looking for a JSON
The providers within their configuration file need a new field where they specify which plugin will have access to it (the provider).
module.exports = {
private: true,
pluginsCanUseMe: ['plugin-name-without-leemons-plugin-prefix'],